Today I'm
About reaching out to our community tomorrow in simple and fun ways. Working together with God's people is refreshing and invigorating. There's just something about loving people, together.
That we had a productive week of school chock-full of the perseverant, steady plodding necessary to keep our educational program successful.
That the foliage isn't as brilliant other years, although it's caused me to look harder for God's beauty I normally love seeing in autumn. It seems the harder you have to look, the more you appreciate it.
The Tech-Wise Family by Andy Crouch, which I snagged on a recent relaxing and fun outing with a friend. It's proving to be a thought-provoking, counter-cultural read about the modern family, technology and family life. I'm over halfway through it and I heartily recommend it!
A juggling act! There was school. There were crafts! There was motherly discipline! There was quiet time! There was grocery list writing! It was a classic, regular ole busy day full of mama tasks.
To the feed store... again. #microfarmlife
Two week's worth of meals... again... to keep this crew fed.
Some people might think it's a boring, unfulfilling life, but I know different. Today, I'm reveling in being in the center of God's will.