Monday, January 6, 2014

10 Mommy New Year's Resolutions

#1 - I will reduce my Thrift Store visits to every OTHER week, instead of every Monday.

#2 - When I do go to the Thrift Store, I will do my best to avoid the scarf and purse section entirely.

#3 - I will exercise - meaning performing activities other than walking back and forth through the house and lifting laundry baskets and children.

#4 - I will avoid the Dollar Store altogether.

#5 - I will not answer my children unless I have truly heard the question, thus prevent such meltdowns that ensue when Mommy mistakenly agrees to a piece of candy before bed and then changes her mind when she realizes what she has just done.

#6 - I will eat chocolate once a day, instead of every time I walk through the kitchen.

#7 - I will not get mad if my scotch tape disappears again.

#8 - I will let my daughters get dressed first and THEN pick the scarf I want to wear out of their closet.

#9 - I will fight clutter like a Roman warrior.  Princess toys, dollies and Strawberry Shortcake stuff BEWARE.

#10 - I will pick up EVERY ponytail holder I see, whether it is behind the toilet or under a bed, thereby refilling the ponytail holder jar to a level that does not require me restocking at Walmart (again).