Check out the link to print it.
It was easy! And, I didn't pitch the computer out the window. And, it was pretty painless writing thank-you notes. There are other cute Christmas stationary-type printables out there that just have blank lines, but this year, this worked best for us. The fun bonus was my children's replies as we wrote these. Scooter (#2) wrote her own, without any supervision whatsoever, hence the spelling entertainment. Skipper (#3) told me what to write. Enjoy!
Scooter (#2)
To: Grandma and Grampa
(Potholder Lom and extra loops)
I can make stufe with it and make stufe for Bryley and Ari
plus Mommy and Daddy.
(SO THERE DADDY, I'm not making you anything!)
Skipper (#3)
To: Grandma & Grandpa“I neder hat one and now me do” (received a prairie dress)
"I can do dat all myselt” (received a puzzle)
To: Aunt & Uncle
"Dem pitty." (received a scarf & necklace)
Skeeter (#1)
To: Grandma & GrandpaThank you for knitting Loom and for the dress. I like them because now I can knit Mommy a new scarf and I have a really nice prairie dress.