Getting outside, even when it's cold, is paramount in our philosophy of enjoying winter. On one of the "warmer" days of our recent cold snap, it was about 15 degrees,
and we ventured out on a stroll to the creek, our go-to for outdoorsy fun. Creeks are fun all the time, didn't you get the memo? (If you doubt this info, please note the rubber boots the children are attired in for very good reason.)
Our neighbor came out for some impromptu doggie playdate joy with Jake, Rory and the girlies. Then, we ventured up the hill for a better view.
That means we had to cross the creek. There were plenty of stepping stones so no worries on that score. We were feeling adventurous!
Random downed trees provide oodles of amusement.
The brush couldn't deter us from the blue skies and wide open spaces.
until we realized that the dogs and Blossom2 were acquiring scads of burdock through their glossy coats and manes of hair. Time to head home.
Remember those stepping stones? All made it safely across... except Mama! I hit the last stone a little off and fell in the creek, wet up to my thigh only moments after hoisting Blossom4 up on my hip. How she managed to avoid getting wet, I don't know, but I'm crediting my mad ninja mama skills.
Though the Blossoms wanted to linger longer at the creek, I furiously marched every one home in two minutes, not sorry at all that we'd ventured out.
God's great world always uplifts us when we linger in it, even when we linger a little "too deeply."