It's my birthday today!
- I reserve the right to lock the bathroom door and do my business in peace.
- I will eat dark chocolate for breakfast and maybe for lunch, too.
- I will not mop the floor, unless I feel particularly inspired to do so.
- I will finish every sentence, every reason and every conversation with, "Because it's my birthday."
- I refuse to rush through my makeup and hair prep, no matter who says they're starving... "Go eat a Christmas cookie, Honey... (because it's my birthday)."
- I plan to sit down on the couch and stare at the tree with blaring Christmas music in the background for longer than 15 seconds. I will not feel guilty about it.
- I will laugh at the wash.
- At naptime, I will tell myself that I have absolutely nothing to do today and I will sleep if I feel like it.
- I will thumb my nose at the dishes.
- I will paint my fingernails with the Blossoms, even if the polish will be chipped off tomorrow.
- I will bask in the blessings of a loving husband, sweet Blossoms and a lovely, cozy home, even if the house is a little untidy today and the Blossoms may or may not whine. I will bask nonetheless.
I am abundantly grateful for His hand upon my life. May I use the coming year to glorify Him.