Hey friends!
I'm sure you're busy with your Thanksgiving prep. I wanted to share a little tip with you. It's a good one for a cozy Black Friday evening, complete with hot cider and storynory.com!
Have you heard of Storynory.com? A friend of mine shared this wonderful web site with me ages ago. I don't even know how she found out about it, except that she is quite the knowledgeable lady. Storynory is a web site with free audio books. Um, FREE. Natasha is their fantastic narrator and does a superb job. She comes across as personable and never "canned."
The girls and I are thoroughly enjoying The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett. It's makes for a relaxing evening, lounging in the living room and listening to a classic story. (It was a great motivator for the bigs during supper clean-up and the littles during helping to fold clothes!)
Hope you enjoy Storynory.com as much as we have!
Happy Thanksgiving,